Reborn Project
It's a plan about the old things.
Many things lost their functions because the science and technology development, just like standard-playing records、vacuum tubes、metal Chinese types(use in typography)、film、film cameras.

The new technology provides people with more convenient and efficient life.
It makes us throw away things easily, and it's an enormous waste that can not be ignored.
But, we saw the painstaking effort and the insistence of quality from the craftsman in those products.
Those curves、shapes and colors are irreplaceable memories. Those beautiful things should not fade away.

So we think over、organize and rebuild in order to find the foundation in modern times. Let those old things can be reused in our daily life and radiate new glamour. We redesign the film camera, Taiwan old ceramic objects which are ceased from production or cannot be repaired, into a modern lamp.

Our creation is based on fertile culture. We believe that to fix an old product is not just to fix its old function.
The most important thing lies in making the old beauty melt in our new age.

Not only paying close attention to Taiwanese old culture and old objects¸but also we trying to promote Taiwan traditional industry.
We are co-production with them and help the heritage of craftsmanship. For us, these old Taiwanese ceramic electrical materials, old traditional artifacts, craft masters, all our culture we try to save.